Thursday, December 25, 2008

"we are sparks of light caught in a perishable body"


i am, indeed, reading the Gnostic Bible (barnstone & meyer, eds)

i find it comforting.

merry christmas peoples.

i ate a lot of Chinese food today. it is only 4:30 and i have eaten entirely too much.

cookies, pie, Chinese food. twice.

i wrote 9 pages in the novel today. so far.

i have 20 typewritten pages. about 50 handwritten pages still remain to be added. and typed.

as i am transcribing i am writing and this is making the process meditative and satisfying.

after 100 pages i will actually read it.

and see if anything will survive my editing.

i have been known to cut over half of something. because i deem it to else-ness.

it is fine.

i know what i'm doing.

i have a purpose to what i say. and if i seem sloppy, it is intended that i seem sloppy.


it is 60 degrees outside. i have taken two long walks with the dogs. it is gorgeous and i wish i could run, but, my knee has been quite unhappy and i'm a little scared that i will over-exercise it. i do that. so. i am reading the Gnostic Bible and writing and walking and over-eating [o, i am going to feel so sleepy soon...] today.


i like this whole day to myself business.

nobody is around. not even in the streets.

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