Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pepper Luboff reviews fault tree on Drunken Boat!

Pepper Luboff reviews fault tree on Drunken Boat!

& it is a brilliantly written review. i love it.

"Feeling her first explorations were ungrounded, pringle put the project aside until she could find a way to tether it to a more everyday lived experience. The ballast for her self-described “ethereal” material came from an unexpected quarter: her father, a veteran of WWII, suffered from a short break with reality, during which he began to suspect the people around him and the mechanism of time. “Time had become his enemy . . . because time itself was a trickster playing games with him,” pringle said in the interview. Thus, she found inspiration for her book’s narrator, a former soldier whose quarrel with linear time can be alternately viewed as a heroic battle or a mental schism."

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