Friday, February 13, 2009

yesterday ran 6 miles.

4 miles around 8 minutes and the other two around 9-10.

that's the fastest. so far.

race is next Saturday.

i'm tired. and eating like a piglet.


had a dinner//writing date w/ Di. we didn't write-write but we wrote-wrote.

i'm... going to bed. damn.

Sunday is 8 miles. then run run run then rest rest then race then PANCAKES. a week off. then training for half-marathon in Raleigh. then Tulsa. then NY. then Providence. then half-marathon in Providence. then a week off. then some time of joy running. then training for full marathon in November.

i love running.

somewhere in there i will finish another poetry ms and my novel.

and work.

maybe even date again? no.

who has time to date?

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