Tuesday, May 8, 2012


i ordered a copy of the new American Short Fiction and damn... it is so good. i'm especially in love with susan steinberg's signifier. [are short stories in italics or in quotation marks? i'm off work and don't want to double check]. it is poetry. "signifier" [that's for balance]. anyway, the issue gave me two things:

1. hope that i can get some of the novel into the world
2. a love of fiction i didn't know i had

how amazing is that? a journal gave me hope and love. weird. but it did. and i'm not exaggerating. i read 4 stories last night. that's not like me at all.

anyway, i think everyone should probably read signifier. it is human. it is experience. it gives the reader options but not really.

1 comment:

Erin Pringle-Toungate said...

Steinberg's great. My students are coming to class on Monday read to discuss her story "Saturday". What other stories are interesting you in the anthology?